of publications of Dr. Vakhtang Barbakadze
L.I.Miroshnikova, V.V.Barbakadze.
Polysaccharides of algae. Water-soluble polysaccharides of the red seaweeds Grateloupia
divaricata Okamura and Grateloupia turuturu Yamada. J. Obshch. Khimii,
1975, V. 45, N 7, P. 1618-1623 (in Russian). [Russ. J. Gen. Chem. (
V.V.Barbakadze, A.I.Usov.Polysaccharides
of algae. Methylation and periodate oxidation of a polysaccharide from the red
seaweed Grateloupia divaricata Okam. Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1978, V. 4, N 8,
P. 1100-1106 (in Russian) [Russ. J. Bioorg. Chem. (
A.I.Usov, V.V.Barbakadze. Polysaccharides of
algae. Partial acetolysis of sulfated galactan from the red seaweed Grateloupia
divaricata Okam. Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1978, V. 4, N 8, P. 1107-1115 (in Russian)
[Russ. J. Bioorg. Chem. (
A.I.Usov, V.V.Barbakadze, S.V.Yarotsky,
A.S.Shashkov. Polysaccharides of algae. Application of 13-C-NMR spectroscopy
for structural studies of galactan from red seaweed Grateloupia divaricata
Okam. Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1978, V. 4, N 11, P.1507-1512 (in Russian).
R.A.Gakhokidze Z.S.Shengelia, A.I.Usov. Preliminary investigation of
water-soluble polysaccharides of some plants of
A.G.Pirtskhelani, V.V.Barbakadze, R.A.Gakhokidze,
N.M.Mamaladze. Influence of mistletoe polysaccharide (Viscum album L.)
on the degree of chromosome anomaly and phosphamide induced pathologic mitosis.
Proceedings of the
L.N.Gushchina, V.V.Barbakadze,
J.A.Oniani. The effect of some polysaccharides on the protoplasm movement rate
of Nitella syncarpa cell. Proceedings of the
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and structural
investigation of a glucofructan from Symphytum asperum. Planta Med.,
1990, V. 56, N 6, P. 596.
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and structural
investigation of a glucofructan from Symphytum caucasicum. Planta Med.,
1991, V. 57, N 8, A 33 (Supplement issue 2).
V.V.Barbakadze, E.P.Kemertelidze,
G.E.Dekanosidze, T.G.Beruchashvili, A.I.Usov. Investigation of glucofructans from
roots of two species of comfrey Symphytum asperum Lepech. and S.caucasicum
Bieb. Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1992, V. 18, N 5, P. 671-679 (in Russian).
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and structural
investigation of a glucomannan from the rhizomes of Polygonatum glaberrimum.
Planta Med., 1993, V. 59, A 615 (Supplement issue).
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Structure of a galactoglucomannan
from unripe fruits of Tamus communis L. (Dioscoreaceae). Bioorgan.
Khimiya, 1993, V. 19, N 2, P. 223-227 (in Russian).
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and characterization of
glucans from roots of Tamus communis L. (Dioscoreaceae). Bioorgan.
Khimiya, 1993, V.19, N 7, P. 752-755 (in Russian).
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Structure of a glucomannan from
rhizomes of Polygonatum glaberrimum C.Koch (Liliaceae). Bioorgan.
Khimiya, 1993, V. 19, N 8, P. 805-810 (in Russian).
E.P.Kemertelidze, G.E.Dekanosidze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and structural
investigation of a glucofructan from bulbs Ornithogalum ponticum Zahar.
(Liliaceae). Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1993, V. 19, N 9, P. 913-917 (in Russian).
E.Kemertelidze, M.Bostoganashvili, V.Barbakadze,
H.Dekanosidze. Immunopharmacologic study of glucofructan from Symphytum
asperum roots.
M.Osadze, K.Shelegia, M.Tevzadze, V.Barbakadze,
M.Kiknavelidze, Z.Bobokhidze. Accelerated age-dependent changes of in vitro
immune functions in patients with type II diabets. Intern. J. of
Immunorehabilitation. 1994, N 1, P. 280-281 (Supplement).
G.Abuladze, V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan. Isolation
and pharmacological investigation of polysaccharides from Symphytum asperum.
Proceedings of the
Investigation of polysaccharide composition of some plants of
I.L.Targamadze, A.I.Usov. Isolation and investigation of a glucomannan from
bulbs of Scilla sibirica Haw. (Liliaceae). Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1996, V.
22, N 1, P. 58-61 (in Russian).[ Russian J. Bioorg. Chem. (Engl. transl). 1996,
V. 22, No 1, P. 52-54].
I.L.Targamadze, A.I.Usov. Investigation of a glucofructan from bulbs of Muscari szovitsianum Baker (Liliaceae).
Bioorgan. Khimiya, 1996, V.22, N 6, P. 441-445 (in Russian). [Russian J. Bioorg. Chem.
(Engl. transl). 1996, V. 22, No 6, P. 382-385].
E.Kemertelidze, A.I.Usov. A comparative study of the structure of glucofructans
of some plant species in
E.Kemertelidze, I.Targamadze, A.I.Usov, B.H.Kroes, H.C.Quarles van Ufford, E.van
den Worm, C.J.Beukelman, A.A.J.van den Berg, R.P.Labadie. Anti-complementary
and anti-oxidative activity of high molecular fractions from the roots of Symphytum
asperum and Symphytum caucasicum. Trans-Caucasian J. of Immunology.
1999, V. 1, N 2, P. 21-33.
E.Kemertelidze, A.I.Usov, B.H.Kroes, H.C.Quarles van Ufford, E.van den Worm,
C.J.Beukelman, A.J.J.van den Berg, R.P.Labadie. Evaluation of immunomodulatory
activity of some plant polysaccharides. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser.
1999, V. 25, N 4-6, P. 207-216.
E.Kemertelidze, A.S.Shashkov, A.I.Usov, B.H.Kroes, A.J.J.van den Berg,
R.P.Labadie. Partial characterization of a new anticomplementary
dihydroxycinnamate-derived polymer from Symphytum asperum Lepech. Proc. Georgian
Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. 1999. V. 25. N 4-6. P. 199-205.
E.Kemertelidze, I.Targamadze, A.S.Shashkov, A.I.Usov, B.H.Kroes, B.J.J.van den
Berg, R.P.Labadie. Partial characterization of a new anticomplementary and
antioxidative dihydroxycinnamate-derived polymer from Symphytum asperum
Lepech. Trans-Caucasian J. of Immunology. 2000, V. 2, N 1, P.27-31.
E.P.Kemertelidze, A.S.Shashkov, A.I.Usov. Structure of a new anticomplementary
dihydroxycinnamate – derived polymer from Symphytum asperum
(Boraginaceae). Mendeleev Communications. 2000, V. 10, N 4, P. 148-149.
Kh.Gabunia, M.Tevzadze, V.Barbakadze,
D.Ghirdaladze, G.Iosava, N.Porakishvili. Dihydroxycinnamate-derived polymer
from Symphytum asperum increases spontaneous in vitro apoptosis of B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
cells. Bulletin of the
N.Kulikova, M.Tevzadza, Kh.Gabunia, V.Barbakadze,
D.Ghirdaladze, G.Iosava, N.Porakishvili. The cell cycle progression of
B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells in vitro. Proceedings of the
M.Tevzadze, Kh.Gabunia, V.Barbakadze,
D.Ghirdaladze, G.Iosava, N.Porakishvili. Proliferation of B-chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia cells in vitro in response to dihydroxycinnamate-derived polymer from
Symphytum asperum and Symphytum caucasicum. Trans-Caucasian J. of
Immunology. 2001, V. 2, N 2, P. 78-89.
E.Debiton, V.V.Barbakadze, E.P.Kemertelidze.
Evaluation of the dietetic and therapeutic potential of a high molecular weight
hydroxicinnamate-derived polymer from Symphytum asperum Lepech.
Regarding its antioxidant, antilipoperoxidant, antiinflammatory, and cytotoxic
properties. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2001, V. 49, N 8, P. 3942-3946.
E.Kemertelidze, A.I.Usov. Structural characterization of glucofructans from
some plants of
M.Tevzadze, V.Barbakadze, L.Burdjanadze,
D.Kvirkvelia, N.Gachechiladze, A.I.Usov, N.Porakishvili. Peripheral blood
lymphocyte proliferation-inducing activity of glucofructan from the roots of Symphytum
asperum Lepech.(Boraginaceae). Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 2001, V. 163, N 3,
P. 559-562.
34. V.V.Barbakadze, E.P.Kemertelidze, I.L.Targamadze, A.S.Shashkov, A.I.Usov.
Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid]: A new biologically active polymer
from two comfrey species Symphytum
asperum and S. caucasicum
(Boraginaceae). Bioorg. Кhim. 2002, V. 28, No 4, P.362-366 (in Russian).
[Russian J. Bioorg. Chem. (Engl. transl.). 2002, V. 28, No 4, P. 326-330].
35. C.Barthomeuf,
V.Barbakadze, E.Kemertelidze. The
different antiinflammatory activities of polymeric sub-fractions from Symphytum
aspertum and Symphytum caucasicum might be related to differences in
diferulate composition. Revista de Fitoterapia. 2002; 2 (S1): 91.
36. V.Barbakadze. Obtaining of a new
biologically active poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from
the roots of Symphytum caucasicum and the stems of Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Georgian Patent. P 3232, 2004.
37. V.Barbakadze, E.Kemertelidze.
Structural characterization of polysaccharides from mistletoe Viscum album L. berries and their
anticomplementary activity. Bull. Georgian
Acad. Sci., 2004, V. 169, N 3, P. 533-535.
38. V.Barbakadze. Structure of
glucofructan from rhizomes of Polygonatum
glaberrimum C. Koch (Liliaceae). Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci., 2004, V. 170, N
1, P. 102-104.
39. V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan.
Structure of glucomannan from bulbs of Galanthus
platyphyllus Traub et Moldenke (Amaryllidaceae). Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci.,
2004, V. 170, N 3, P. 541-543.
40. V.Barbakadze, E.Kemertelidze,
K.Mulkijanyan, M.Merlani. A new plant macromolecule to be used in burn wound
management. Proceedings of the International Conference: New polymer systems
for biotechnological and biomedical applications. Sponsored by International
Science and Technology Centre (ISTC).
41. V.Barbakadze, E.P.Kemertelidze, I.Targamadze, K.Mulkijanyan, J.Kemmink, A.J.J. van den Berg, C.J.Beukelman, A.I.Usov. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from the Stems of Symphytum asperum
S. caucasicum Bieb.
Khim. Prirod. Soed., 2005, N 4, P. 303-305 (in
Russian). [Chem. Nat. Compds. (Engl. Transl.). 2005, V. 41, N 4, P. 374-377;
Errata, Chem. Nat. Compds. 2005, V. 41, N 5, P. 615].
42. V.Barbakadze, E.Kemertelidze,
I.Targamadze, K.Mulkijanyan, A.S.Shashkov,
A. I.Usov. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid], a new biologically active polymer from Symphytum asperum Lepech. and S.caucasicum Bieb. (Boraginaceae).
Molecules, 2005, V. 10, N 9, P. 1135-1144.
43. V.V.Barbakadze, E.P.Kemertelidze,
K.G.Mulkijanyan, A.J.J.van den Berg, C.J.Beukelman, E.van den Worm, H.C.Quarles
van Ufford, A.I.Usov. Antioxidant and anticomplementary activity of
poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Khimiko-pharmatsevticheskii zhurnal, 2007,
V. 41, N 1, P. 14-17 (in Russian).[
Pharmaceutical Chemistry J. (Engl. Transl.). 2007, V.41, N 1, P. 14-16;
Errata, Pharmaceutical Chemistry J., 2007, V. 41, N 3, P. 178].
44. V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan,
M.Merlani, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili. Structure of glucofructan from bulbs of Galanthus platyphyllus Traub et Moldenke
(Amaryllidaceae). Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2007, V.175, N 2, P.
45. L.Gogilashvili,
L.Amiranashvili, V.Barbakadze,
M.Merlani, K.Mulkijanyan, E.Shaburishvili. Obtaining of toxic pyrrolizidine
alkaloid-free biologically active high molecular preparations of Symphytum asperum and S.caucasicum. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad.
Sci. 2008, V. 2, N 2, P. 85-89.
46. M.Merlani,
V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili,
L.Amiranashvili, K.Mulkijanyan, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos,
D.Christodouleas. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of
3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid, monomer of a biologically active
polyether isolated from Symphytum asperum
and S.caucasicum. Planta Medica,
2008, V. 74, N 9, P. 1167-1168.
47. V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan, M.Merlani, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili,
F.Vidal-Vanaclocha. Effects of poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] on
the inflammatory response of tumor-activated hepatic sinusoidal endothelium. Bull. Georg. Natl.
Acad. Sci. 2008, V. 2, N 3, P. 108-112.
48. V.Barbakadze, A.J.J. van
den Berg, C.J.Beukelman, J.Kemmink, H.C.Quarles van Ufford. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric
acid] from Symphytum officinale roots
and its biological activity. Chem. Nat. Compds. (Engl.
Transl.). 2009, V. 45, N 1, P. 6-10.
49. V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan, L.Gogilashvili,
L.Amiranashvili, M.Merlani, Zh. Novikova, M.Sulakvelidze. Allantoin- and
pyrrolizidine alkaloids-free wound healing compositions from Symphytum asperum. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2009, V. 3, N 1, P. 159-164.
50. K.Mulkijanyan,V.Barbakadze, Zh.Novikova, M. Sulakvelidze, L. Gogilashvili,
L.Amiranashvili, M. Merlani. Burn
healing compositions from Caucasian
species of comfrey
(Symphytum L.). Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2009, V. 3, N 3, P.
51. M.Merlani,
V.Barbakadze, L.Amiranashvili,
L.Gogilashvili, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos, B.Chankvetadze. Enantioselective synthesis
and antioxidant activity of 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-glyceric acid - Basic
monomeric moiety of a biologically active polyether from Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum.
Chirality, 2010, V. 22, N 8, P. 717-725.
L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, M.Merlani,
M.Churadze, A.Salgado, B.Chankvetadze. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] from Anchusa
italica roots. Natural Product
Communications, 2010, V. 5, N 7, P.1091-1095.
53. В.В.
Барбакадзе, K.Г. Mулкиджанян,
М.И. Мерлани,
Л.Ш. Амиранашвили,
антиоксидантная и
листьев Symphytum
asperum и S. caucasicum.
журнал, 2010, 44, 11, 21-24.
V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan, M.Merlani, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, E.
Shaburishvili. Isolation, composition, antioxidative and
anticomplementary activity of high-molecular fractions from the leaves Symphytum asperum and
S. caucasicum. Khimiko-pharmatsevticheskii
zhurnal, 2010, V. 44, N11, 18-21 (in Russian).
Chemistry J. (Engl. Transl.). 2011, V.44, N 11, 604-607].
54. V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, M. Merlani, K. Mulkijanyan. Spectrophotomertric quantitative determination of
poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid]. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2010,
V. 4, N 3, P. 123-126.
Participation of Dr. Vakhtang
Barbakadze in International Symposiums, Conferences and Congresses:
35. S.Shrotriya, G.Deep,
N.Walia, V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan, M.Merlani, K.Papadopoulos, L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, E.Shaburishvili, R.Agarwal. Anti-cancer efficacy of novel polymer from Caucasian species of comfrey and its synthetic monomer against androgen-dependent and -independent human prostate cancer cells. American Association for Cancer
Research 100th Annual Meeting,
36. V.Barbakadze, M.Merlani, L.Amiranashvili,
L.Gogilashvili, K. Mulkijanyan, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos,
B. Chankvetadze. Enantioselective synthesis and antioxidative activity of
3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-glyceric acid – basic monomeric moiety of a
biologically active polyether from Symphytum asperum and S.
caucasicum. Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology. Oxygen Club of
37. V.Barbakadze, K.Mulkijanyan,
L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili, M.Merlani, Zh.Novikova, M.Sulakvelidze.
Allantoin- and pyrrolizidine alkaloids-free wound healing compositions from
Caucasian species of comfrey (Symphytum L.). Oxidants and Antioxidants
in Biology. Oxygen Club of
38. V.Barbakadze, L.Gogilashvili,
L. Amiranashvili, M.Merlani, K.Mulkijanyan, A. Salgado, B. Chankvetadze, E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric
acid] from Anchusa italica Retz.
roots and its antioxidant activity. Actual problems of the Chemistry of Natural
Compounds. Conference.
39. V.Barbakadze, K. Mulkijanyan, L. Gogilashvili, L.
Amiranashvili, M. Merlani, Zh. Novikova, M. Sulakvelidze. Wound healing
preparation containing biopolymers from Caucasian species of comfrey (Symphytum
L.). Actual problems of the Chemistry of Natural Compounds. Conference.
40. V.Barbakadze,
L.Gogilashvili, L.Amiranashvili,
M.Merlani, K.Mulkijanyan,
A.Salgado, B.Chankvetadze,
E.Yannakopoulou, K.Papadopoulos. Poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid]
from Anchusa italica Retz. roots and its antioxidant activity. VIII
докладов. Москва.
2010, 38-39.
41. M. Merlani, V. Barbakadze, L. Gogilashvili, L. Amiranashvili, K.
Mulkijanyan, A. Salgado, B. Chankvetadze. Biologically active
poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene from Symphytum asperum, S.
caucasicum and Anchusa italica.
Fifth International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of
Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules. Book of Abstracts.